›Business Areas›Smart Factory›Machinery & Electronics
Smart Factory
Provides solutions for efficient management of smart factory equipment and production data, enhancing equipment operation and productivity through Fourth Industrial Revolution AI technologies
and offers intuitive production operation data through digital twin-based 3D modeling of production equipment.
Integrated management solution for equipment and production data
Manufacturing system for smart factory
Equipment and production automation solution
Equipment and production data monitoring solution
Intelligent predictive diagnosis solution for equipment failures
Vision analytics solution for quality inspection
Equipment and production data
integrated management solution
Smart factory
manufacturing execution system
Equipment and production
automation solution
Equipment and production data
monitoring solution
Intelligent predictive diagnosis solution
for equipment failures
Vision analytics solution
for quality inspection
Production data analytics solution based on digital twin
Provides production monitoring data based on digital twin to manage smart factory equipment and production data.
Intelligent quality inspection solution
Provides quality inspection and defect causes for manufactured products through data analysis of vibration and acoustic emission sensors.
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