Business AreasProcess PlantRenewable energy

Renewable energy

Through condition monitoring of energy plant and failure prevention solutions based on AI technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
we provide data for decision making in prevention of unplanned shutdowns and intelligent predictive maintenance.

  • Cybersecurity system for protecting the control system

  • System for intelligent condition monitoring and operational data management

  • Intelligent predictive alarm system for predictive maintenance of equipment

  • Equipment operation monitoring system based on digital twin metaverse

Cybersecurity system for protecting the control system

System for intelligent condition monitoring and operational data management

Intelligent predictive alarm system for predictive maintenance of equipment

Equipment operation monitoring system based on digital twin metaverse


Solution for intelligent condition monitoring and operational data

Provides visualization data of ongoing operations through 3D modeling of equipment for real-time condition monitoring.

Predictive diagnostic solution based on digital twin

Provides failure prediction and cause diagnosis through AI-based big data analysis.

Big data solution and predictive alarm solution

Integrates real-time monitoring data and detects equipment anomalies to provide predictive maintenance data for decision making.

If you have any questions, please submit the inquiries in written form and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

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